Thursday, April 23, 2009

OK, so I cheated. . .

I skipped the slideshow on lifelong learning. Not wanting to be branded a cheater-pig, however, I just went back and watched it.

I'm not feeling confessional enough to mention which habit comes hardest for me, but I'll gladly share my attitude toward learning: I'm pretty much addicted. I need to be learning new things, always. Otherwise I get squirrely. (And I think that attitude is actually pretty common among library types.)

An important habit that leads to successful lifelong learning which the presentation failed to mention is wool-gathering. (1553, "indulging in wandering fancies and purposeless thinking," from the lit. meaning "gathering fragments of wool torn from sheep by bushes, etc." Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2001 Douglas Harper.)

I'm a firm believer in the importance of wool-gathering, letting your mind wander, and looking at things from strange and unusual perspectives. I like the concept of not just thinking outside the box, but actually blowing the sucker up. My favorite phrase is "what if. . ."


  1. Dreamers are important, no doubt about it, as are people who can take bits and pieces and fabricate something entirely new.

  2. If you can't have fun with the box and learn something new - what's the point!

  3. Wool-gathering is actually listed among our core competencies on the new performance evaluation form.
